Sea Glass

April 14, 2013 Photo of the day: "Sea Glass"

This morning when I awoke to a fresh dusting of snow, I couldn't help feeling a little disappointed. Spring has been taking its time this year and I am feeling quite anxious. Ten days ago, I was combing Nice's pebbly beaches for tiny treasures: shells, heart-shaped rocks, and bits of colorful sea glass. I know that sea glass is essentially trash, yet the salt, sand, and pounding waves have rendered these broken bits beautifully smooth and milky. Perhaps sea glass is an appropriate metaphor for my feelings today. Looking around this morning, I had a hard time finding beauty in the gray skies and soggy lawns. Yet maybe I need to recognize that natural beauty often requires time, patience, and even a bit of rough weather. Spring will come, and when it does, its delayed beautiful will make it seem even sweeter.